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Monday 3 May 2010

UK Election

When the three front political party runners for the office of prime minister has nothing to offer,dogging and docking the main issue - "economy" who do you vote for? Do you just vote for the sake of performing your civic responsibility?

Labour, Gordon Brown is out of steam on fixing the economy, except to continue on engineering all sort of taxation formulas. Conservative, David Cameron does not have the foggest idea of what is talking about most of the time, thus has no incline on how to fix the massive hole in the economy. Liberal Democrat, Nick Clegg is enveloped in amnesty, thinks fixing the economy is hedge fund.

The T.V debate was a farce, yes it was! Why were real audience with real questions about the real issues as it affects daily lives not there? How will you stimulate the economy, stimulate growth? It is the economy not soap opera stupid! Give us a serious breakdown on how you will fill the massive economic hole before the nation.

The current romance with the Liberal Democrat by some voters is born out of the facts that most voters are dissilutioned with the political occupant of 10 Downing Street - Gordon Brown, his Labour party and equally with Cameroun and his Conservative party. These voters are simply tired of those two parties, like Liberal Democrate, they have nothing real sustaintial to offer the people, nontheless, these voters are going to vote Liberal Democrate, just because they want a change from Labour and Conservative. Irrespective of my reservations amongst the three men routing for the office of PM, l believe Gordon Brown is the only credible candidate that has some clue on getting the nation out of the financial mess, certainly not David Cameroun!