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Friday 20 January 2012

Syria: Arab League unqualified umpire

My beef about the idiocy of the so called Arab league is their inability to assess themselves. The Arab league should take the wool of their own eyes before the threat of suspension, sanctions against the State of Syria. It is hypocritical of the Arab League to purport to serve the interest of the Syrian people when every vein in the free minded, truth speaking and true God fearing people of the free world know for certain that Arab League is simply a disguise of an indirect agenda of the west to pressuring the Bashar Al-Assad lead Syrian government to dance to the economic and policy interest of the said western government. Policies that are morally flawed and economical disadvantageous to the African nations, especially!

Arab League constituting of Gulf States that are alien to the true meaning of democratic processes in their own states. They have no constitution, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly; routinely disregard human rights as seen in Bahrain in 2011 and still on-going!

It is clear for a conscientious audience to see that in the instance, the Arab League is nothing but a puppet of western powers. The Arab league is therefore devoid, not in a position to lecture another of her undemocratic, totalitarian neighbour – Syria, how to behave. There is a maxim which states, charity begins at home! Arab league lacks the barest tenets of democracy.

The west is known for her blatant disregards for International law as seen in Iraq, Libya, rendition of suspects, extrajudicial killings etc. So, I would have been less dismayed if the west under the camouflage of spurious UN resolution(s) to attack Syria, instead of covertly using other totalitarian as the Arab league to bring about democratic process in Syria. Of course there would be an outcry of crusaders and legal minds of international law against such obvious direct attack against Syria. But, let’s face it, it never stopped the west in the past, as shown above with few instances, and I do not honestly believe it would therefore make any difference now!

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